Air conditioning can be harmful to houseplants

One thing I love about my husband is his love for plants and his green thumb.

We moved in together when we were dating, and I noticed that he immediately filled our home with houseplants.

When we bought a house, he also designed and created our entire garden. I am not the best at keeping houseplants alive. When I lived on my own, they always died. However, my husband has always been great at keeping houseplants alive. I asked him what his secret is and he told me that he always does research on how to take care of plants before he purchases them. Some houseplants need to be positioned so they receive sun near a window, some thrive in shade, some need more water than others. A common factor in many houseplants is that they thrive in heat and humidity. Humans do not thrive in heat and humidity, which is why we have central air conditioning, especially living in the southeastern region of the country. We run our central air conditioning constantly from the end of May to the end of September. You may be wondering how our houseplants thrive so well, if they need a hot and humid environment to be their best. My husband’s secret is that he never places houseplants directly near an air conditioner vent. Because air conditioning removes the humidity in the air, he mists the plants that need the most moisture daily. It is very important that you do not sacrifice your own comfort for your plants. You should not turn off your air conditioner so they thrive, rather do research to see how you can bring moisture to them while keeping yourself comfortable.


new heating and cooling information

Ready to not need A/C as much, although I know it will be a few more months

One of the best parts of living in the southeastern region of the country is that the winters are mild. Some of the fall season is also beautiful. The summers are extremely hot and humid and many people who live in this area dread them. I am personally ready for the weather where the air conditioning is not necessary and we are able to open the windows. I love the days where it is clear, crisp, and beautiful air. Where you can be outside without sweating and immediately wanting to run inside to the air conditioning. Summer definitely has its perks, but I am ready to lower the electric bill as well. There are several months where we do not need to run the air conditioning or heat and the electric bill is super affordable. Although I cannot wait for the cooler weather, I know there are months ahead. August is the absolute worst month heat and humidity wise. It makes me question why I live here and I often want to hibernate in my air conditioning. September usually starts off extremely hot and humid, but the end of the month can be beautiful. October and November are beautiful. I am ready for those days. I know the time will go by fast, so for now I will embrace the fact that I am lucky to have central air conditioning. Every region of the country has its pros and cons regarding to weather. Right now I am living in the con of this area, but pretty soon I will be reminded of why I moved here.


Body weight can affect indoor air comfort

Many Americans struggle with their weight.

We live in a country where fast food is easy accessible, and healthy foods are often expensive.

We have to work to pay our bills, so we do not always have time to exercise. Excess stress can also lead to weight gain. Sometimes medical conditions can also lead to being overweight. As you can see, there are many reasons why so many people are overweight in our country and typically it is not because they are lazy, as many people like to think. Obesity is an epidemic that can affect people in more ways than one. When someone is overweight or obese, chances are their internal body temperature is affected. Fat is an insulator and keeps our bodies warm. If someone is overweight or obese, they may feel warmer in the winter than someone who is average or underweight. If someone is overweight or obese, they may feel hotter in the summer than someone who is average or underweight. Being overweight in the summer can be extremely uncomfortable for many people. Moving around in the heat and humidity is really hard for many people, however having extra weight to carry around can make it even harder. Being overweight also has a direct connection to higher electric bills in the summer. It is likely that if someone is overweight, they will turn their thermostat down to a lower temperature in the summer which can increase electric bills. The only solution to this would be for those who are overweight or obese to lose weight, but this is not an easy solution. Many people report that once they have lost weight, they do not feel as hot in the summer anymore.

furnace filter

Air conditioning should not be expensive in hot and humid states

I firmly believe that if someone lives in a hot and humid state such as one in the southeastern region of the country, that air conditioning should not be as expensive as it is.

In many cases, air conditioning can save lives.

Some people do not have access to air conditioning due to their financial situations, so they end up suffering consequences of heat stroke or heat exhaustion. I feel very blessed that I am able to afford my air conditioning. Even though I have the financial capability to pay my electric bill, there are times that I still feel it is too expensive. However, there are individuals that do not run their air conditioning at all because they know they would not be able to pay their electric bill on time or at all. I feel that air conditioning can prevent health conditions and even death. In that case, it shoud cost way less than it does. In some cases, it is easier for people to live without heat than without air conditioning. If someone has enough blankets, a fireplace, and access to hot water, it can be helpful in preventing cold related illnesses. However, it is not always that easy to cool down. It is possible that someone can use ice packs, stick their head in the freezer, or take a cold shower but that is not a sustainable way to replace air conditioning. One way someone can save money on air conditioning is by purchasing a portable air conditioner. This is definitely not as cold as central air conditioning, but in life or death situations this may be helpful when someone cannot afford air conditioning.


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Grateful for air conditioning when I was sick

I am four months pregnant and I am quickly learning that pregnancy lowers your immune system. I am dealing with a bad cold that does not seem to want to go away. Before this cold, I have not been sick in years. When you are pregnant, your immune system is weaker because the baby is being protected in your uterus. When I first started feeling sick, I thought to myself that the summer is the worst time to have a cold. It also does not help that it has been extremely hot and humid where I live. I am super grateful for air conditioning because when I had a fever and was burning up it kept me cool. I am also grateful for air conditioning because soup and hot tea have been the only things soothing my irritated throat. No one wants to drink hot tea or eat hot soup when it is hot and humid outside. Luckily, I turned my thermostat down so I felt cold enough to sip my tea and eat my soup under a blanket. I went to the doctor yesterday because I wanted to make sure I did not have a more severe infection than a common cold. Stepping out into the humid, hot air while being sick and pregnant was a new level of discomfort that I do not want to experience again. The doctor’s office had air conditioning of course, but I still felt warm. When the nurse took my temperature, she noticed it was high but she waited for me to cool down because she knew how hot it was outside. She took my temperature again after I had some time to cool down in the air conditioning.



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Company complained about our thermostat temperature

My husband and I recently had family visit from the northeastern region of the country. We live in the southeastern region of the country. We have been experiencing one of the hottest, most humid summers in history. We warned our family about the heat, but they insisted on coming to stay with us for five days. Five days may not seem like a lot of time, but my husband and I are used to peace and quiet in our home. There were two children who were very rambunctious, and the adults complained about the temperature of our thermostat. We have a smart thermostat that works really well to keep our house cool, despite the hot temperatures. The smart thermostat usually keeps our home at 74 during the day and at night time around 70-71 degrees. My cousin was complaining that she had to adjust to the temperature of the house because it was way too hot for her. I was surprised because I thought that 74 degrees is actually a cool temperature. I asked her what temperature they set their thermostat to, and she said they typically keep it at 68 degrees in the summer. I told her that there is no way we could afford to keep our thermostat at 68 degrees. Our electric bill is already quite high keeping the thermostat at 74 degrees. My cousin asked if we could turn the thermostat down during the day to make it colder. I turned it down to 72 degrees, but I refused to turn it all the way down to 68 degrees. I understand wanting to accommodate your guests, but they also chose to come to the southeastern region of the country during the hottest time.

zone control

My Kitten Snoring is the Cutest Sound of the Day

My boy kitten makes a little whimpering sound when he sleeps and it is so cute to hear.

He normally doesn’t make a sound when he is awake, leaving all of the meowing and crying to his little sister Baby.

But listening to him snore with that cute little sound is so adorable I wish I could stay in this moment forever. I am writing next to him about heat pumps and cooling technology trying not to wake him as he sleeps on my left arm. I wish I could send you a recording of it right now so you could hear what I am trying to describe. I got the two cats from a local business that rescues kittens on the streets. I got a brother and a sister and am happy I did because they are never bored or lonely. He likes to pick on her a lot and sometimes she escapes his wrath by jumping up onto my portable air purifier in the corner of the living room. He doesn’t like the sound of the machine and won’t go near it so she knows where to go when he is being a pain. Today I will write about the HVAC industry for another hour or so and then go for a little relaxing bike ride along the coast to watch people and get some fresh air. There are a lot of people in my town now for summer holidays and it is fun to look at all of them. My HVAC tech friend usually rides his bike too so we may see each other.


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Strange Days and Space Heaters

These days are getting a bit strange with all of the people leaving for the summer.

  • You can go out in the evening around 7pm and there aren’t any people on the beaches.

In the summer it would be packed at that time of the day, but in the winter it gets very cold out there with the wind and a lot of people take shelter inside. If you don’t have a space heater or a central heating system then you most likely will be really cold in your flat as I was for so many years before moving into a flat with a good working HVAC system. I remember huddling next to my lady on the sofa in January trying to stay warm as we both shivered. It would get down to 55F in my flat on some mornings and it made it very tough to get out of bed for work. I remember taking a hot shower in a freezing bathroom because I didn’t have a radiant heater because I was so poor. Well, times have changed now and I finally have money so that I can live a more comfortable existence without going overboard. I still like to live a simple life but having good heating and cooling in my house is a priority. I will never go through another summer sweating like I was in that old flat because we had no AC. I would toss and turn all night in my bedroom because of the heat, and the fans did very little to cool me down.
help with indoor comfort

Listening to Some Piano Music While I Work

Sunday morning is a morning of reflection and relaxation.

It is now about 3pm and I will stay in the flat for a few more hours as the sun is very intense and the sand is way too hot. I may go for a short bike ride in a few minutes just to get out for a bit but I really won’t go out for any amount of time until about 7pm. The beaches start to calm down a bit by then with the sunbathers and some of my regular friends surface for the evening to hang out. The HVAC company where I work is closed today and won’t reopen until Wednesday as they are doing inventory and painting the inside of the business. I am actually helping with some of the painting as I was a licensed painting contractor many years ago and still like to dabble in painting now and then. I will also help the local contractor with their inventory over the next few days so that we can get the place open again and on a paying basis. We have another two months of summer and then the climate will rapidly shift to cooler temperatures. I like when October comes because I don’t have to run my climate control system and my monthly bills are a lot lower for a couple of months. I think I spend a lot more in the summer keeping the place cool as opposed to the winter days when I just wear more clothing in the house. I can’t wait for cooler days.

electric heating system

I met a plumber at my local hardware store

Last week, I was at a major hardware store because I needed to get a current family room faucet for my home! While I was at the store, a nice gentleman approached me as well as asked if I needed help, but perhaps he sensed that I was love a fish out of water because I seriously looked lost; I don’t enjoy hardware stores because I can never find what I need without asking for help, however and usually, I end up spending more time inside the store than I care to. Anyway, the gentleman was able to help me with what I needed, however every one of us were able to pick out the exact fixture that I liked, as well as it was within my budget, however the gentleman then asked me who would be installing the fixture for me. And to be honest, I planned on calling a handyman to do the replacement. It would’ve been the best pick for me at the time. Well, to my surprise, the gentleman was a plumber as well as he offered to install the family room faucet for me. I have never used a plumber, so I wasn’t sure if the rates would be within the budget I set for this project. Well, after a brief conversation with the plumber, I agreed to hire him for the task. He agreed to perform the replacement more than one days later. I was enthusiastic about that because it gave me a chance to look him up on the internet, as well as I was thrilled when I saw that this plumber had amazing ratings, however not only did I use him to install my family room faucet, but I have also hired him to install my current bathtub next month.



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