Author: admin

Music by a fireplace on the beach later

I just got invited to a birthday party on the beach later for my friend who hits 44 on the 4th of the 4th month, and the party’s at, wait for it…4:44 pm today. I am going to bring my sound system and drum and a guitar player is joining us so it should be […]

Moving along with nice climate control

I am getting my brain in gear this morning and working on some stuff online for a while before I go to the coast for my swim. Today is my buddy’s birthday party on the beach and I think I may bring my sound system so that we can do some singing for the party. […]

Heat pump repair coming soon

I have to pay my rent soon and am going to deduct some equipment that I had to buy for the flat, which means that the owner of my building will probably start chirping about how he shouldn’t have to pay for it himself. They don’t like to pay for anything over here in Spain […]

Hot water propane boiler lost in transit

I am almost done with my work online and then I will take a break and just chill for a little while. Today is a quiet day in town as it is Monday and all of the tourists who were here yesterday are back in their normal lives and working at their jobs. I am […]

Wake up for the heating supplier job

It is a cool crisp April morning and I am grateful for all the things I have in life, especially good health and some pretty cool friends. I could think about all that is missing in my life and feel bad about it, but how is that going to help me be a happy person […]

Heating device on my cold feet

I am learning about loss and hopefully won’t have to learn a lot more, as I have lost a lot of things lately and need a little breather from losing any more How is it that some people have all of the confidence in the world while others seem to be afraid of their own […]

Diversity in the heating industry

The global crisis has taught me some expensive plus necessary life hacks; One of the lessons was that it is not safe to put all my eggs in one basket in terms of income, then i have worked as an HVAC tech with a contractor for a few years. The task is good, plus I […]

HVAC tech recommended full ductwork upgradement

A year ago, our routine HVAC cabin services heating repair was done just before winter. The HVAC tech recommended replacing the worn-out ductwork if we wanted to save on energy plus avoid future heating repair because there were evident wear plus tear on the ducts. I wondered why we couldn’t do duct sealing like we […]