Hot water propane boiler lost in transit

I am almost done with my work online and then I will take a break and just chill for a little while. Today is a quiet day in town as it is Monday and all of the tourists who were here yesterday are back in their normal lives and working at their jobs. I am going to rest most of the day and I will probably go to this music store and check out a drum for sale and decide if I should get it. It is a little drum and I want it for when I play at local businesses, because my big drum is way too big to tote around. I think I have enough money to get it today, but if I have to wait another couple of weeks it won’t be a big deal. My heating supplier guitarist is away for a couple of weeks doing some HVAC repairs on his condo, so I won’t need that little drum for a little bit longer. I would like to have it when we do a gig for this new contractor at his house, and I think he has a fireplace out on his back patio that we can play beside that night to stay warm. It is April now but the warm weather won’t really be here for another month or so, so having some heat while we play at night is a good thing because my hands don’t do well drumming when they are ice cold. But I have a little heating device I use to warm my hands if he has no fire in the fireplace that night.


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