Moving along with nice climate control

I am getting my brain in gear this morning and working on some stuff online for a while before I go to the coast for my swim.

Today is my buddy’s birthday party on the beach and I think I may bring my sound system so that we can do some singing for the party.

There will be a few musicians there and I have a new drum that needs to be used, so why not bring the sound and see what happens? I will invite some other friends to come and we may as well make a bash. Climate control is not going to be necessary because it is the start of April and the days are still pretty cool, especially later in the evening when this party is, but maybe sitting by a fireplace after the sun goes down would be a good idea. It gets quite cold when the sun drops because it is really humid here and the humidity magnifies the hot and the cold each day and night. My furnace is still running now and then at night, a bit more now because my hot water heater broke and after taking a cold shower it is nice to have some heating in the flat to warm up the cold skin and bones. I am going to write off tomorrow right now because I have a feeling this party is going to go until the wee hours of the night with this group of characters coming together. I will tell the local contractor that I won’t be in to work tomorrow because of an eye infection, as; “I can’t SEE myself coming into work tomorrow”!

a/c service