Heating device on my cold feet

I am learning about loss and hopefully won’t have to learn a lot more, as I have lost a lot of things lately and need a little breather from losing any more

How is it that some people have all of the confidence in the world while others seem to be afraid of their own shadow? I guess maybe it comes down to how you were brought up and what kind of parents you had. Well, my early years were a bit chaotic as my parents got divorced when I was three years old and I jumped around from place to place with my single mom and brother. My poor HVAC rep mom had to work all day and try to raise two little kids on her own while my cooling specialist dad was out there trying to find himself. Dad wrote a couple poetry books when he was in a dark place after leaving my mom and he was just trying to piece together what had happened to his once happy family. He was also trying to be a new contractor in town, selling heating and cooling equipment door to door back in the early 70’s. I still can’t believe that my dad is gone as it just hasn’t sunk in that he will never be around to answer my calls anymore. He always answered the phone when I called the HVAC company that he owned, and I find myself sometimes calling the heating business only to find out the number has been disconnected. I am learning about loss and hopefully won’t have to learn a lot more, as I have lost a lot of things lately and need a little breather from losing any more. Anyway, I am off to the HVAC business to buy a HEPA filter now.

a/c set up