I was so scared to start my first day at the HVAC company

I was honestly terrified to start my first day of work with the HVAC company.

I didn’t even train to be an HVAC technician.

Honestly, I never expected that I would even consider getting a job with the HVAC company. I always expected that I would work some kind of office job or something like that. However, when I lost my job, I did not know what to do. I did not have a degree, so finding a good job that paid well would be difficult without experience or a degree. Thankfully, I found out that the HVAC company was hiring, and the HVAC company was willing to hire me. I would be working as a helper to one of the HVAC technicians, but if I wanted to, I could even begin training as an HVAC technician after a few months. It was all very exciting, but I was really nervous to start working for the HVAC company. I have never worked for an HVAC company, and I never saw myself doing that. I had no idea how an HVAC unit worked. Also, I did not know what to expect from the HVAC technicians. I did not know how the HVAC technicians would act, and I was afraid that they would recognize that I was not able or smart enough to fix HVAC units. Thankfully, I was wrong. The HVAC technicians were very kind, and I have learned so much after working for the HVAC company. Things have gone so well that I am even considering becoming an HVAC technician.


ductless HVAC

My job at the HVAC company is pretty easy

I really love my job at the HVAC company. I can’t imagine having a better job than working for the HVAC company. The job that I do for the HVAC company is traveling all around the state trying to recruit young people into the HVAC field. I am an HVAC technician, and sometimes, I have to work for the HVAC company on HVAC units and stuff, but most of the time, I spend time traveling to different schools. A lot of smaller HVAC companies do not have this option in the schools. The only reason that I get to do this is that I work as an HVAC technician for a very large HVAC company. We employ a lot of HVAC technicians, and we have a lot of great benefits to offer to anyone that is interested in becoming an HVAC technician. I love my job with the HVAC company. There are a ton of young people that would make a great HVAC technician. Now, I do not believe that everyone should become an HVAC technician, but I do think that everyone should at least consider becoming an HVAC technician. We need HVAC technicians desperately, and we pay well. Without HVAC technicians, our society would not do well in just a few generations. There are a lot of kids that have no idea what they want to do. They are being told that they have to go to college to be successful. I love showing them that by becoming an HVAC technician, they can follow a different path. It is an easy job, and it is also very exciting.

ductless HVAC

My brother only lasted one day at the HVAC company

My brother was convinced that he was going to be a great HVAC technician, but he only managed to last one day working for the HVAC company before he quit his job with the HVAC company and decided to do something different instead. Honestly, I am surprised that he even worked for one full day. We knew that he wasn’t going to be a good HVAC technician. My brother is the laziest person in the world. He wanted to be an HVAC technician because of all of the awesome benefits, but he didn’t realize that working as an HVAC technician was going to be difficult. As soon as he realized that becoming an HVAC technician was going to be a ton of hard work, we knew that he would quit. However, he had no choice but to give a job at the HVAC company a chance. He has been living with my parents as an adult for a long time, and he was working for a restaurant. My dad told him that if he planned to be an HVAC technician, he would need a job with the HVAC company. If he refused, he would have to move out. My brother was still determined at this point that he was going to be a great HVAC technician, so he found a job. He only made it one day as an HVAC technician. He is scared of heights, and he hates getting dirty. He was doing all of the grunt work for the HVAC company, and they did not let him take breaks. He came home exhausted, and he knew that he would never be an HVAC technician.


Air conditioner service plan

Mines can be really hot inside

Close to my house, there is an incredibly old abandoned mining town.

Apparently our area was a common hotspot for gold, and hopeful people would come down to blow holes in the mountains and mine for gemstones and gold.

I have always been interested in the old town and have explored it many times. For the most part, a lot of the stuff was looted, and the buildings have long decayed, although some old equipment and papers were still left out, which were interesting to look at. One day, I decided that I should try to explore the mine that the town has. I took my friend with me, and I was able to find the mine relatively fast. It was boarded up, but the wood has rotted from constant rainfall, and it was easy to peel away. I hopped inside and my friend followed me. One of the first things I noticed is how hot it was in there! I was immediately greeted with a hot gust of air. It felt like a furnace just blew in my face! I thought I would get used to it, but I didn’t and as much as I enjoyed exploring the mine, the heat made it difficult. The heat only got worse as we went further on through the maze of a mine. As I went further I felt like I was choking on the heat and we had to turn around. I climbed out and breathed the fresh air. I went back home and sat close to the A/C vent. I was really glad for air conditioning systems at that moment. Even though it was hot in there, I already planned on taking a mini cooling fan with me, to substitute an air conditioner next time I go exploring down there.


My neighbor’s kids are trouble

My neighbor’s kids are nothing but trouble.

I’ve seen them get into close encounters with the police, have shady looking meetings with people and I’ve seen them snooping around my yard.

Until then, they have never actually messed with me, if only it could have stayed that way. A couple of weeks ago, I caught them on my back porch staring in my house like the creepers they are. I yelled at them to get off my property like an old man, but they came back a few days later, this time stealing a board game and a few decorations I had left out on the porch. I knew it was them, although I couldn’t prove it so the police wouldn’t accept my case. They would harass me in other simple ways, like putting their dog’s mess on my porch step. I decided that I would install cameras, and I am so glad I did. I woke this morning and saw the entire side of my house was vandalized, with spray painted curse words scribbled messily all over the side of my house, the windows and even my a/c system. I looked back at the footage on my camera, and it showed them clear as day, spraying my house. It even got them to stop and stare at the air conditioner, before they decided to spray the A/C unit as well. I happily went to the police and showed them the footage, including what they did to my cooling system, then I physically showed them the evidence with my house and the air conditioner. The boys were arrested, and I am glad to finally get some peace around here. Hopefully they have learned a valuable lesson.


Hot water boiler

Basement living was good and bad

I recently got to experience zone control in this airbnb my friends and I rented.

The upstairs had the living room, kitchen and two bedrooms.

The downstairs was a remodeled basement with a bedroom. I paid a little extra to have my own room and be separated from the group. The basement thermostat totally controlled only that HVAC equipment. It was really nice since the girls upstairs were constantly fighting over AC and the exact temperature it was set at. I just adjusted my thermostat to 73 degrees and left it the whole trip. The only downside to basement living was the air quality. A basement is below ground level so naturally it is quite musty. Additionally the air quality is a little wet like. The homeowners did have a dehumidifier in the basement that was working 24/7. There was even a sign on the little device begging me not to turn it off. There were no worries on that front. Even with the AC drying out the air quality and the dehumidifier, the air felt almost like a jungle. If I left clothes out they felt a little damp and cold. My ipad always had a layer of mist on it. I didn’t really enjoy that wet feeling all night long. It just goes to show you that HVAC can only take you so far. The basement is a livable space, but I wouldn’t want to stay there forever. Four days with the wet indoor air conditions was just about all I could stand. I was ready to go when the trip was over.

a/c set up

We might never get this house

The process of buying a house is one of the worst things I have ever gone through.

  • It is a huge financial decision, lots of paperwork and people all trying to screw the other one over.

I then get to go through this process with the worst penny pincher in the world. My boyfriend has trouble making any sort of purchase. Frequently he will go to the mall in order to buy something but leave empty handed. No price is ever satisfactory. Buying a home has become a real strain on our relationship. I believe we have found the perfect house. It has lots of land, very private and is near my parents. The house is big enough for a couple of kids and is fairly updated. I will admit the sellers are asking quite a bit for the house. They are around 30 grand too high and they refuse to haggle. The home inspection came in recently and the guy said the HVAC system is 17 years old and about to go. I had my boyfriend on board to just buy the house at an inflated price. Now that the HVAC device might not make it another year, he wants to leave the house. I think he just doesn’t want to buy the house. New HVAC equipment is around 6-8 grand. At this point, with all the money we are spending, that isn’t a make it or break it amount for me. My boyfriend is super angry and thinking the sellers are trying to screw us over with faulty heating and air.


air conditioning business

I can’t make him happy with the a/c

Buying a rental property was a great financial move, but it has been a stresser quite a bit.

The reason is that my one renter calls me constantly with issues.

Lately it has been all about the southern heat and that is his air conditioner doesn’t keep his place cool. I get pictures of his thermostat daily and calls about how hot he is in his apartment. I have literally done everything I can think of and now I am tapping out. First, I tried insulating his entire place so that no cold air is leaking out. The ceilings, baseboards and around the windows all got sealed in tight. Next, I then bought black out blinds for every window in his apartment and stressed not opening the doors all the time. I was hopeful that the sunlight would stop coming in. Next, I tried cleaning the AC system myself. I got a new air filter, washed the condensate drain, cooling coil and dusted the fan blades. Still, my tenant was unhappy. The last thing I did was call a professional air conditioning business. The AC worker said that everything seemed to be fine. Sometimes the southern heat is just too hot even for the air conditioner. The guy still added refrigerant to the AC machine and said that should do the job. Well my tenant is still calling and telling me how unhappy he is. I am sort of hoping he just moves out at this point. I think the AC is not the one at fault here.



Heating maintenance

Getting heated flooring in the removal process

When I bought my house I knew I wanted to do a big remodel before I moved all my stuff in.

I looked around the house room by room trying to figure out what I liked the least.

I hated that the home was all brown carpet. Rugs tend to hold smells, dirt and look horrible. I have a sandy backyard and I didn’t want to constantly be vacuuming up sand. Once I began pulling up the rugs I realized I wasn’t unearthing beautiful hardwood floors, but rather plywood. I needed to completely redo every floor in the home. Online they boasted about keeping the same tile throughout the house to create a uniformed look. That made it really easy to go room by room tiling and it was one major purchase for the home. While I started hunting for tile I came across an article that said to consider adding heated flooring during the process. All I needed to do was put cement board on the ply-wood, heated floors over that and then the new tile goes on top. The mats are electrically heated so no dirty air is being blown in the home. The heat stays at the floor level and doesn’t rise to get wasted on my ceiling. Due to that, I can set my thermostat lower and I save on my energy bills. Another perk is that there are no hot and cold spots due to the mats being everywhere. I am so glad I spent a little more money to have a quality heating system installed.


air duct

I hope I can get a good system one day

Someday I hope that I’m going to own my own house. For many years I have been living with roommates and renting low quality residences because it’s all that I can afford. It seems like a pipe dream to have a house of my own but I know that someday it will work out. I can visualize the entire thing so easily in my head. I know exactly what the house is going to look, feel and smell like. I even know how the yard will look and what kind of distance I will have from my neighbors. I’m going to have a balcony and a porch to enjoy outside. I’m going to love living in this house. Besides all that, I know that I want to have a wonderful indoor air temperature control system. Someday I want to invest in a high quality heating, cooling, and ventilation system unlike the heating and cooling implements I’ve had before. I never want to be conscientious of the thermostats ever again. I want my air conditioning unit and furnace to be energy-efficient so I can rely on my indoor air handling devices without worrying about the energy bill. I really want my home to feel like it’s naturally comfortable with excellent ventilation that you don’t even notice. I’m tired of feeling hot and cold air blasting through my vents and worrying about the high energy bill headed my way. Overall, I’m so excited to finally have the house of my dreams with the indoor air quality that I have always hoped for.

Heating and cooling equipment