Goodbye Air Conditioning Till Next Summer

Let’s see, today is September 15th and the days are getting shorter very quickly.

It seems like we lose a couple minutes a day with the sunset getting earlier and earlier.

It won’t be long till we have to flip the clocks back and then it’s all over till next year. It will get dark at about 5:15pm and cold out so there won’t be anymore weekday volleyball matches on the beach. I was going to buy a LED light system at the local business so we could play ball at night but it is going to be way too cold to do so. My HVAC supplier told me he got injured the most when playing in cold weather so I guess it is probably for the better that I don’t play this winter. I’ll do my cold sea plunges and a lot of rehab and strengthening exercises for my body so I will be fit to play one more year. The HVAC contractor I work for also plays and we have been playing together since we both began back in the mid 80’s. That’s almost 40 years in the sport together and we are both still holding strong. I work as an HVAC maintenance tech during the week and usually play music on the weekends. I’ll play some ball this winter only if we have some warm days so I don’t risk getting injured. Today I will clean my ductwork and get my system ready for the coming winter as they say this is going to be a very cold season.

whole home heating

On The Hunt for Some Marjoram in Town

This is one spice that I can’t seem to locate in town here.

  • I just went on a wild goose chase yesterday all over town in search of sage.

I need these ingredients for my sausages I am making today. The local business where I bought the sage has never even heard of marjoram. I guess it isn’t very common in this area but I have to find it to make these sausages. My heating and cooling rep gave me the recipe so maybe she has some marjoram I can use. I only need a quarter of a teaspoon so it is very little. I will go by the heating corp today to see if she is working and also drop by the supermarket to grab some brown sugar, which is something I normally never use but I just need one tablespoon to make two pounds of sausage. I just don’t want to end up eating the brown sugar one day when I have a sugar attack. The HVAC specialist I work with got me on the zero sugar diet years ago and it has really improved my joints to the point I no longer need to take any pain meds. I used to have to take them every single day and I knew that they weren’t good for me but the pain was just too unbearable. I was having trouble doing my HVAC equipment service job because my shoulders were in such pain. Now I am much better and also have my cold water therapy to thank. Life is good again.


boiler repair

The Best Heating Device for Small Homes

There are a lot of factors to consider when it comes to heating your home.

The size of your home, the climate you live in, and your budget all play a role in choosing the best heating device.

If you’re looking for the best heating device for small homes, then go with a small space heater. Here we will list a few other options, depending on your needs. If you’re looking for an efficient and affordable option, a zoned HVAC system is a great choice. Zoned HVAC systems allow you to control the temperature in different areas of your home, so you can keep the rooms you use most comfortable without wasting energy in unused rooms. If you live in a climate with mild winters, a heat pump is a great option. Heat pumps are very efficient and can save you money on your energy bill. They work by moving heat from one area to another, so they can also be used for cooling in the summer. If you’re looking for an electric heater, radiant heaters are a good option. Radiant heaters work by emitting infrared radiation, which heats up objects in the room rather than the air. This makes them more efficient than other types of electric heaters. If you live in a cold climate and need a more powerful heater, a furnace is the way to go. Furnaces use natural gas or propane to generate heat, and they’re very effective at keeping your home warm during the winter months. However, furnaces can be expensive to operate, so they may not be the best choice if you’re on a tight budget. No matter what your needs are, there’s a heating device that’s perfect for small homes. Talk to your HVAC rep about which option would be best for you.

indoor air quality

Getting Motivated to Make Breakfast Sausage

Okay, today I am going to make my homemade breakfast sausage and shape it into patties to freeze.

I have all of the ingredients to make it and need to do it today so I can freeze it or the chicken will end up going bad.

It should only take me about 15 minutes to prepare and freeze them so what am I waiting for? I just have to do some HVAC equipment writing work first and then some yoga. I should be all set this afternoon to make the sausages and I think I’ll try them with some eggs. The local business where I bought the spices told me about how to make them as we can’t buy breakfast sausage here overseas. I still remember my gramps making pork sausage patties in the morning with eggs and grits. He would pour the sausage grease over the grits and it tasted amazing. My gramps was an HVAC specialist and ran his own HVAC company a long time ago, which is how my dad got into the business. I learned from my dad how to work on the equipment and soon became an HVAC tech myself. I ran my own business for 10 years until switching to the arts and moving overseas to perform in other countries. I’ve since left the comedy pursuit but am now pursuing a career in music, which to me is more moving and powerful than comedy. There are a few local contractors in my town who also play music so maybe we will get together and perform one day.

heating contractor

What Does a Cooling Rep Work On?

A cooling representative is an air conditioning and heating professional.

They work with zoned HVAC systems in both commercial and industrial settings. AC repair, air conditioning, and cooling are just a few of the services they provide. As an HVAC rep, they also offer zoned heat pump services. Zoned A/C units are becoming more popular in both commercial and residential settings as they have been proven to save money by focusing the heating or cooling in certain areas. We had zoned heating and cooling installed in our house and have been saving about 30% a month on our power bills. There are many other benefits of this type of system and many people are starting to take note of it. As a result, the demand for zoned cooling and heating is on the rise. If you are looking for a career in the HVAC industry, becoming a cooling representative is a great option. I got into the HVAC industry many years ago with my dad and became an HVAC tech and ran my own company for several years. With the right training, you can become an expert in zoned air conditioning and heating, and help people keep their homes and businesses comfortable year-round. The money is good and you get to meet a lot of new and interesting people along the way. If you are thinking about entering the field, do your research to see which position is best for you and give it a shot. The world will always need some kind of climate control so the market will always be good.

click here

I’m Having my HVAC System and Djembe Tuned Up

Today I am getting my djembe drum tuned up so that we can play music again on the streets.

  • The strings loosened up on it and now it is out of tune.

I’m paying a pro $20 to fix it, which is about a third of the price the store wanted to do the same thing. I also have a cajon box drum as an alternative drum for different styles of music. I prefer the djembe as that is what I’ve been playing for several years now. Next week the local business near the beach is going to pay us to perform there. My HVAC tech friend is going to come and play the drums too while I sing. I have a tough time playing the drum and singing at the same time as I am still quite a novice at drumming. I am also getting my HVAC system tuned up today or tomorrow and am waiting for the store to call me and tell me when they will come out. The lady doing the tune up is a friend of mine and she has been an HVAC pro for many years. She also sings and I may ask her to join us next time we do our jam session on the beach. The weather is getting cooler now so it is more enjoyable to play outside as the summer was very hot. We have about two months till it gets too cold out to play and we will have to find a home where we can play indoors. Have a good day!


a/c repair

Time for a Small Meditation Session to Charge my Soul

I try to meditate each day after doing yoga, but today I am way behind schedule because I was looking around town for spices to make homemade breakfast sausage.

I got everything and will make them tomorrow if I sleep well tonight.

Tonight we are doing a music jam on the beach later and it could end up going really late. We will see how we do and if I stay out late then I will make the sausages the next day as it isn’t a big rush. I just want to have some with eggs as my HVAC rep told me to do. I will also make some grits with the eggs and sausage so I can have a taste of home over here where I am living across the Atlantic Ocean. The HVAC company near me sometimes has donuts for people in the morning but I don’t like to eat them because they just have way too much sugar. I would rather eat eggs and sausage if given the choice. I am going to clean the furnace filter next week to prepare for winter, which is just around the corner as I have noticed the temps dropping a lot the past week or so. It won’t be long before it is snowing and I am running the furnace each day to keep warm. My cats will love this winter because they have really this fur and are probably quite hot normally. I don’t run the heater too much in the winter so it won’t be too warm for them.

ac filter

Okay, Lunch Time and Then I’ll Clean the HEPA Filter

I just had my standard lunch; a big bowl of salad with two small cans of tuna fish.

My cats finish off the oil in the can when I am done, along with a few small pieces of tuna that I left for them as a treat.

I have to write two more HVAC equipment articles and then I am going to do a few exercises before heading to the seashore to meet my friends. I may show up a bit late though because, first of all everyone else usually shows up late, and second of all I need to clean the HEPA filter in my HVAC system today before leaving for the beach. Those are my chores and I am sticking to it till I finish them today. I have been working more for the local business down the street because I need to earn some more money each month as my rent has increased. I am going to try to run my HVAC system a bit less so my power bills are lower, and I may also take less baths and shorter showers to save on water. I can’t really cut down on wifi unless I use my phone as a hotspot and cancel my home wifi service. I would rather keep the service as the local service provider has amazing speed with the wifi and my phone would probably cut out a lot. Things aren’t that bad with money so I am okay with the normal wifi. I think running my heating and cooling system less would be a big saver.


hydronic heater

Going to Take a Siesta and Watch Some YouTube Sports

I don’t have a TV and pretty much use YouTube for my entertainment channel.

It is a cool channel and you can find pretty much anything you want to watch on it for free.

I basically watch shows or documentaries about the sea and beach volleyball. When I die I want to come back as a dolphin if that is possible. I’d love to swim in the sea and play, like I see them doing all of the time when I go to the beach. They are intelligent creatures yet don’t have all of the worries that we have. The heating dealership near me is going to charter a boat next weekend to do a dolphin watching excursion for the customers. I am going to come along and play music with a few of my friends while people look for dolphins. It should be a fun time. I know that there isn’t any air conditioning on the boat but the weather is pretty mild now that we are in the middle of September. A month ago it would have been stiflingly hot on that boat and not a fun time, but now that the weather is cooling down a bit it is more enjoyable to go out on a boat without any climate control system. I think they also go out in the winter time but they have some small space heaters on the boat to keep people warm. But no matter what I am going to go out there so I can look for some of my favorite creatures of the sea.


mini split air conditioner

Getting Some Work at the Heating Corporation

Wow, just when I thought I would have to move out of my flat, which I don’t want to, I got some more income from the heating corp near me. It’s not much more money each month, maybe $400, but that is all I need to make it in my flat. I want to keep this place because if I meet the right lady, maybe one day we can live together here. It’s a three bedroom flat with two bathrooms and a wonderful and new climate control system. The reason I want to keep this flat is that there are a lot of flats out there without any kind of HVAC system in them. I don’t think I could live a day without my HVAC system so I am going to fight to keep this place no matter what it takes. I may get a temporary roommate situation where they can stay till I tell them they have to go. Maybe six months would work, which would also give me time to save up more money so I have a buffer if I decide to live alone again. I could ask the HVAC rep, who is also my boss, if there is anything I can help him with to make some more cash. I have a few thousand in cryptos and if they finally take off again in a year then I will have a good chunk of money there too. I can also try selling HEPA filters for the local business near me as they wanted to talk to me about teaming up. It all works out somehow doesn’t it?

heating corp