Thinking About Doing an Open Mic Again

I’m kicking around the idea of getting on period again to try some comedy.

I have not done it in years but just wanted to see how it feels and if it stirs up anything inside of me.

I used to guess I would do it our whole life but something changed and I stopped doing it. The local company near myself and others offers singing lessons and I am thinking of trying a single next week to see how that feels too. I just want to do some kind of creative endeavor that feeds our soul and ignites some kind of passion inside of myself and others again. I’ve just been working at the Heating, Ventilation, and A/C company each day and coming beach house to our cats and I must say that it is getting quite repetitive and monotonous. There must be more to life than just getting by, this is ridiculous. I do love to labor at the heating and cooling corp but it isn’t exactly something that lights that fire inside of myself and others love comedy did. I guess good when I help someone program their smart thermostat or when I repair a heat pump in a home. But there is nothing love the feeling of fastening with an audience on period and having the whole room laughing with you about some funny story. It’s even more fun when the locale has a good climate control plan to make you and the audience comfortable while we were in the show. There is nothing worse than doing a set in a boiling room in the summer time with those boiling period lights making you sweat.


central air conditioning

Goodbye Air Conditioning Till Next Summer

I work as an HVAC maintenance tech while I was in the month and usually play music on the weekends

Let’s see, today is November 15th and the afternoons are getting shorter truly hastily. It seems savor we lose a couple sevenths a afternoon with the sunset getting earlier and earlier. It won’t be long till we have to flip the clocks back and then it’s all over till next year. It will get dark at about 5:15pm and cold out so there won’t be anymore weekday volleyball matches on the beach. I was going to buy a LED light plan at the local business so we could play ball at night however it is going to be way too cold to do so. My HVAC supplier told me he got damaged the most when playing in cold weather so I assume it is entirely for the better that I don’t play this winter. I’ll do our cold sea plunges and a lot of rehab and strengthening exercises for our body so I will be fit to play 1 more year. The HVAC corporation I work for also plays and we have been playing together since we both began back in the mid 75’s. That’s almost 40 years in the athletic interest together and we are both still holding strong. I work as an HVAC maintenance tech while I was in the month and usually play music on the weekends. I’ll play some ball this Winter only if we have some hot afternoons so I don’t risk getting damaged. This month I will clean our air duct and get our plan ready for the coming Winter as they say this is going to be a truly cold season.


cooling expert

The Best Heating Device for Small Homes

There are a lot of factors to consider when it comes to heating your home.

The size of your home, the climate you live in, and your budget all play a position in choosing the best heating device.

If you’re looking for the best heating component for small homes, then go with a small space heater. Here we will list a few other options, depending on your needs. If you’re looking for an efficient and affordable option, a zoned HVAC plan is a great choice. Zoned HVAC systems allow you to control the temperature in different areas of your home, so you can keep the rooms you use most comfortable without wasting energy in unused rooms. If you live in a climate with mild winters, a heat pump is a great option… Heat pumps are truly efficient and can save you money on your energy bill. They work by moving heat from 1 area to another, so they can also be used for cooling in the summer. If you’re looking for an electric heater, radiant oil furnaces are a nice option. Radiant oil furnaces work by emitting infrared radiation, which heats up objects in the room rather than the air. This makes them more efficient than other types of electric heaters. If you live in a cold climate and need a more powerful heater, a furnace is the way to go. Furnaces use natural gas or propane to generate heat, and they are truly effective at keeping your current home hot while I was in the Winter weeks. However, oil furnaces can be high-priced to operate, so they may not be the best option if you’re on a slender budget. No matter what your needs are, there’s a heating component that is perfect for small homes. Talk to your HVAC rep about which option would be best for you.

hvac unit

Thinking About Doing an Open Mic Again

I’m kicking around the idea of getting on stage again to try some comedy.

I have not done it in years however just wanted to see how it feels and if it stirs up anything inside of me.

I used to assume I would do it our whole life however something changed and I stopped doing it. The local business near me offers singing lessons and I am thinking of trying 1 next month to see how that feels too. I just want to do some kind of creative endeavor that feeds our soul and ignites some kind of passion inside of me again. I’ve just been working at the HVAC supplier each afternoon and coming current home to our cats and I must say that it is getting quite repetitive and monotonous. There must be more to life than just getting by, this is ridiculous. I do savor to work at the heating and cooling corp however it isn’t exactly something that lights that fire inside of me savor comedy did. I suppose nice when I help someone program their smart thermostat or when I repair a heat pump in a home. But there is nothing savor the feeling of attaching with an audience on stage and having the whole room laughing with you about some funny story. It’s even more fun when the locale has a nice climate control plan to make you and the audience comfortable while I was in the show. There is nothing worse than doing a set in a sizzling room in the summer time with those sizzling stage lights making you sweat.

air conditioning expert

I’m Having our Heating and A/C System plus Djembe Tuned Up

Today I am getting our djembe drum tuned up so that every one of us can play tunes again on the streets. The strings loosened up on it plus now it is out of tune. I’m paying a pro $20 to repair it, which is about a sixth of the price the store wanted to do the same thing. I also have a cajon box drum as an alternative drum for weird styles of tunes. I love the djembe as that is what I’ve been playing for numerous years now. Next week the local business near the beach is going to pay us to perform there. My Heating and A/C tech friend is going to come plus play the drums too while I sing. I have a taxing time playing the drum plus singing at the same time as I am still quite a novice at drumming. I am also getting our Heating and A/C method tuned up this week or tomorrow plus am waiting for the store to call me plus tell me when they will come out. The man doing the tune up is a friend of mine plus he has been an Heating and A/C pro for numerous years. She also sings plus I may ask his to join us next time every one of us do our jam session on the beach. The weather is getting cooler now so it is more good to play outside as the summer time was absolutely hot. All of us have about more than one months till it gets too chilly out to play plus every one of us will have to find a home where every one of us can play indoors. Have a good day!
a/c tune up

Going to Take a Siesta plus Watch Some YouTube Sports

I don’t have a cable plus pretty much use YouTube for our entertainment channel.

It is a cool channel plus you can find pretty much anything you want to watch on it for free.

I basically watch shows or documentaries about the sea plus beach volleyball. When I die I want to come back as a dolphin if that is possible. I’d appreciate to swim in the sea plus play, love I see them doing all of the time when I go to the beach. They are intelligent creatures yet don’t have all of the worries that every one of us have. The heating dealership near me is going to charter a boat next weekend to do a dolphin seeing excursion for the purchasers. I am going to come along plus play tunes with a few of our friends while people look for dolphins. It should be a fun time. I recognize that there isn’t any air conditioner on the boat but the weather is pretty mild now that every one of us are in the middle of October. A month ago it would have been stiflingly hot on that boat plus not a fun time, but now that the weather is cooling down a bit it is more good to go out on a boat separate from any climate control system. I suppose they also go out in the Wintertide time but they have some small space heating systems on the boat to keep people warm. But no matter what I am going to go out there so I can look for some of our number one creatures of the sea.


air conditioner installation

It’s Almost Time for our Tuna Salad with Rice

I am going to write 5 more Heating and A/C articles this week plus call it a day. I have a jam session with our tunesian friends this week plus I want to prepare for it soon. I’m a bit behind this week as I was hunting around town for spices to make our homemade supper saUSge. I will make the patties tomorrow for supper when I make our eggs. The local business where I bought the spices told me that they are looking to put in an Heating and A/C method plus I told them that I am in the business. I am going to talk to the Heating and A/C rep friend of mine so he can go out there plus supply them an estimate. It is a small store so I don’t suppose it will be that giant of a deal when it comes down to the cost of everything. They can absolutely just install a mini split air conditioner for the whole locale plus be done with it. I bet the store is less than 300 square feet plus the ceilings are also pretty low so that is even less section to heat or cool. The locale is also well insulated with other suppliers on either side plus an home above. I suppose they could get the whole Heating and A/C method installed for less than $1000, which also would include the price of labor. I may even help install it plus maybe get some free spices for doing so. It’s regularly good to help people though, just to be kind, separate from expecting anything in return. See ya.



hydronic heater

Off to Go Grab my Newly Tuned Djembe

My Heating and Air Conditioning pro neighbor plays the guitar and I sing and I can just picture us in multiple years playing in some small dive bars and clubs however having a wonderful time with the audience

Today is an epic day in music history as I am going to get my djembe to start playing it again. Maybe it’s just an epic moment in my life as I am going to begin my musical journey and say goodbye to my longtime comedy pursuit. I never thought I would stop doing comedy however something shifted within me and I no longer felt it in my heart. Maybe it was all of the cutthroat competition, playing in hot non air conditioned clubs, or the nonstop social media shouting game, however whatever the reason is I have decided to put comedy in my rearview mirror and start a path in music. There are a few local companies interested in having us perform in their arenas so this is wonderful news. I think if we keep at it we can do some cool things with music. My Heating and Air Conditioning pro neighbor plays the guitar and I sing and I can just picture us in multiple years playing in some small dive bars and clubs however having a wonderful time with the audience. Maybe if music doesn’t do it for me after that I will go back to comedy, however for now I am entirely feeling like music could be my new appreciate just like comedy once was. I still work for the heating and cooling corp each day doing Heating and Air Conditioning program service calls however I think within a year or so I could live off of the money I make from doing music shows in these local businesses. We shall see what happens.


Off to Go Grab my Newly Tuned Djembe

The Best Heating Device for Small Homes

There are a lot of factors to consider when it comes to heating your home. The size of your home, the temperature you live in, and your budget all play a job in choosing the best heating device. If you’re looking for the best heating component for small homes, then go with a small space heater. Here we will list a few other options, depending on your needs. If you’re looking for an efficient and affordable option, a zoned Heating and Air Conditioning program is a wonderful choice. Zoned Heating and Air Conditioning systems allow you to control the temperature in different areas of your home, so you can keep the rooms you use most comfortable without wasting energy in unused rooms. If you live in a temperature with mild winters, a heat pump is a wonderful option; Heat pumps are legitimately efficient and can save you money on your energy bill. They work by moving heat from a single area to another, so they can also be used for cooling in the summer. If you’re looking for an electric heater, radiant heating systems are a wonderful option. Radiant heating systems work by emitting infrared radiation, which heats up objects in the room rather than the air. This makes them more efficient than other types of electric heaters. If you live in a chilly temperature and need a more powerful heater, a heating system is the way to go. Furnaces use natural gas or propane to generate heat, and they are legitimately effective at keeping your lake home hot during the Wintertide weeks. However, furnaces can be expensive to operate, so they may not be the best choice if you’re on a slim budget. No matter what your needs are, there’s a heating component that is perfect for small homes. Talk to your Heating and Air Conditioning rep about which choice would be best for you.



ductwork cleaning

Are You Following Your Dream? Why Not?

I just thought of how I used to run our local company doing Heating, Ventilation, and A/C repairs.

I started the company when I was 32 years outdated and was genuinely gleeful to go on our own and escape the shackles of the corporate engineering world. I did engineering for many years before deciding that I could not take it anymore and so I left. At the time I was starting our Heating, Ventilation, and A/C company but it wasn’t making that much money so I had to kick it in high gear because our engineering money stopped coming in. I flaunted in the paper for our Heating, Ventilation, and A/C services and soon the PC began to ring. It wasn’t long then we was booked with Heating, Ventilation, and A/C replacements for weeks ahead of time. My company ran good for 10 years before quitting that venture and chasing the sit up comedy dream. I still did some heating and cooling repairs while doing comedy, to make some side currency, however I only did it now and then when I was low on money. Comedy lasted about 15 years before switching to a work in songs. I now play drums and sing in a band around neighborhood in the local dealers and pubs. It seems love I get bored with something and need a change, which is good because it allows myself and others to experience many strange pursuits in our life. I may even get a task in this neighborhood overseas working for the heating corporation this Wintertide while I play songs and practice the drums. Life is full of occasions and don’t be afraid to fail.

hvac professional