Author: admin

Witnessing wasp removal

Nothing is as spine-chilling as finding wasps in your backyard as you cut the sod. Well, this past summer time I tightly escaped getting stung several times by wasps. I left my house during early Springtime to go and visit my mom, as we’d not seen each other in a long time and so I […]

She hurriedly contacted a bee removal business

My sibling wanted to be a homeowner for the longest time. However, it was never quite the right time financially. After she met her ex, they moved in together and soon after had twin babies. They were both working, but it never seemed enough. So, they had little savings to put a downpayment on a […]

The roofing contractor gave us sound advice

My partner and I were sure we wanted to buy a second house. This would be a sound investment, and we’d have somewhere to go for holidays. Second homes seem like a luxurious purchase to many. But, we are fortunate to have a thriving business that’s given us more money to spend. However, we didn’t […]

We start the week with roof installation

My dad was a roofer, and it’s no surprise that I am also working for a roofing company. When I was young, my dad did roofing repairs for folks in our area. Back then, he didn’t need certificates or licenses to do his job. He’d learned the skill from a friend of my grandpa and […]

I didn’t know how to do HVAC marketing.

I spent three weeks on the computer trying to figure out how to do HVAC marketing for my company. I wanted to put good ads on Facebook, and create a presence on Linked-in and other websites. I could create accounts on the social media sites, and on LInked-in and other websites, but that didn’t mean […]

He wanted me to try PPC advertising.

I had never advertised my HVAC company. I inherited from my father, and I used his customer base. When I realized my customer database was getting old, I knew I had to figure out how I was going to start rebuilding it. Many of my customers had retired and were no longer living in homes, […]

I was putting HVAC ads in the newspaper.

I am only thirty years old, but I own an HVAC company. When I first opened the company, my mother asked me how old I was? I looked at her and told her I was her first-born son, so she knew the answer. She wanted to know why I was trying to do business like […]

Site injections plump up my skin

The two of us have laugh lines as well as problems with crow’s feet on our face. The two of us have more wrinkles than any other person that I know. The two of us have all of these wrinkles that have come from dealing with our children for year after year. My granddaughter now […]

I rented a furnished apartment when I relocated

Relocating from what city to another can be a huge inconvenience. Especially if you’re like me who accepted an incredible job but did not come up with a game plan for relocation. A few years ago, I decided that I needed a change in my life, so I did something drastic. I accepted a job […]