Author: admin

Enjoying air conditioning and the view

I have to say that my wife really nailed this one. For the first time since we moved down here four years ago, we are able to utilize the sunroom year round. Of course, moving to this area is essentially living in a giant sunroom given the amazing weather. Sitting outside in the sunroom during […]

Heat pump bring humidity balance

For the first time this year, I showed up inside the commercial HVAC with a bit of a sweat going. It’s not like I rode my bike there or anything like that. No, I even have a remote start on my car so the air conditioning is cooling down the car before I even get […]

The fireplace chimney caught on fire.

Last month, my fiance put a fire in the fireplace to get the chill out of the air. It was only forty degrees when we got up, and we were both shivering. He told me to let the fire go out and left for work. Instead of the fireplace burning out, there was an updraft […]