The hospital is a weird place right now
I have been laboring at the hospital most of the month & I am going to be there Wednesday, Thursday, & all next week.
- I don’t mind laboring at the hospital./ They supply breakfast & supper, & everyone is kind & courteous, however since I am certified to service & service ventilation equipment, I am deemed an essential worker.
I am getting paid extra to labor in the hospital. A few of our co-workers had the chance to take the task as well, but most of them have been fearful. Since I don’t live near our parents or have any children, there is entirely little risk for myself and others to infect anyone other than myself. I weighed all of the pros & cons & decided the risk was worth the reward. Every several weeks, I can move to a unusual hospital. Since the hospital is a subbusiness, I make a lot more money than I would on a normal heating or cooling task. I also qualify for hazard pay in this county & the state adds another 10% to our monthly stipend. Until the virus is completely gone & eradicated, our entire Heating & A/C is honestly going to be busy. I labor in a business with 29 additional employees, but only several of us are certified to evaluate & service ventilation equipment. The hospital has a few employees of their own, but most of them are running around the building trying to take care of patients. We all have to come together as a team if the two of us want to successfully knock this out virus once & for all.