Time for that morning dip and my heating device

I will pound out one more article then take my cold plunge.

I just submitted our music page to this booking agency that I used to do comedy for. Let’s see if they like our sounds and if they can get us signed and doing shows. I like playing music a lot more than doing comedy shows so hopefully they can sign us and get us on the road doing gigs. I think our music has a good niche in the field and we could entertain a lot of different audiences with our sounds. We just need to keep HVAC systems work coming in while we feed the band with new songs, then we can leave the heating and cooling equipment work behind us and hit the road! Who knows where life can take you, but you won’t go anywhere if you don’t give it a try. Even if I have to keep my HVAC tech job for the heating contractor, I will still keep playing music till I am out of breath. I have been singing my whole life and have had a deep affection for music ever since I was a little boy listening to Rod Stewart’s song You’re in my Heart. I remember sitting by the fireplace with my mom and listening to that song while we stayed warm with the HVAC system running in the background. I will see my mom again soon as I am planning on taking a month long trip back to the States in about five or six more months for some HVAC system training. I love you momma, please wait for me.

