Enhanced ventilation at home, whole house fan

Man, am I tired of being inside.

I feel like I’ve been staring at the same environment for two weeks straight at this point, and I’m starting to lose my grip, to be honest with you.

The weather outside has been less than ideal, and I’ve been seeking refuge indoors for the past several weeks. I don’t know how much longer I can take it though, before cabin fever officially takes over and I start to go nutty. Not only am I tired of seeing the same walls every night and day, but I’m getting really sick of breathing the same recycled air, as well. You see, with all this bad weather, we have had the house sealed up pretty tight against the outdoor air. Of course we have modern HVAC equipment, but the AC unit is only working to circulate the same old indoor air again and again. I know, this happens to everyone sometimes, and it’s less than ideal when we’re trapped in unnatural air conditions. However, beyond generally being annoyed by the stale quality, I think that my lungs can actually notice the difference. They are starting to itch with every breath I take, and I know that some fresh air would make a big difference The big problem is that it’s too hot and humid during the day to let natural ventilation take over inside the house. At night the temperature dips considerably, but we don’t want to leave the entire house open all night long. That’s why I’ve insisted that we get the whole house fan functioning again. Once it’s operable, we can use the huge ventilation fan to efficiently pull fresh outdoor air inside at night. It will only require the house to be open for an hour or so to fully refresh the indoor air, and I can finally go back to breathing easy.


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