Hard to live with SO and humidity

I prefer my fiance! I entirely do; So please take everything I’m about to say with a grain of salt….

  • He drives me honestly insane.

He entirely thinks the world of his younger years, then everyday there’s some new way that his upbringing has prepared him for some deranged task at hand, and he drives me up the wall, and right now our huge obstacle is figuring out how to cohabitate with the thermostat. See, my midwest upbringing obviously did not prepare me for the heat and humidity of Atlanta summers. I am more than accustomed to brutally low uneven temperatures, terrible windchill, and drastic snowfall. However, while our summers got plenty sizzling and humid, they are nothing compared to the temperature of the south. On the other hand, my fiance is from goddamn FL! Therefore, any level of heat and mugginess is honestly adequate to him. He sees honestly no complication with a 100 degree afternoon and 90% humidity, because “He’s from FL.” I want to strangle him, and no one should live in those conditions, and it isn’t something to brag about! As such, you can imagine the arguments my buddy and I have over the air conditioning unit at home! While I desperately want to run the AC unit all hours of the afternoon, every single afternoon, he doesn’t understand why I’m so discontent with the natural air quality. He thinks that opening the windows to the house provides reasonable ventilation, and I simply need to accept the disgusting outdoor air conditions, but my buddy and I go back and forth, turning the cooling system off and on. One of these afternoons I know the AC isn’t going to power back on again, and my fiance will finally be able to live like he’s back in sweet home, FL.



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