Crazy uncle’s air conditioner broke down

I am the go to girl for small home repairs in the family.

I recognize I have just always been handy with tools and figuring out how stuff works. I actually don’t mind helping out the rest of the family from time to time and they usually know what is on my level and what they need to call out a professional for. They also usually wait until normal waking hours before calling me, and but last evening I got a call from my uncle at 2 am. It seems her a/c unit had stopped working and she wanted me to come and see if I could repair it. I have never gotten along well with this uncle, she is a bit of a loudmouth and has strong political opinions and I just don’t like being around him, then nonetheless, I said I would come and take a look in the morning, but she called again at 7 am and wanted to know when I was coming over and then she complained about being tepid all evening with no air conditioner, as if that was my fault. I made it to her home about two hours later and started looking around her Heating plus Air Conditioning unit. It appeared to me that the compressor was seized up. I found another compressor online and told him the cost. She wanted me to spend money for it! She said, “Well this is your show.” I told him that, unquestionably they don’t make the compressor she needs anymore and she will have to call out the a/c professionals. She said she was cheerful she didn’t buy the compressor that was the wrong fit and that I am what is wrong with young people. I really dodged a bullet here.


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