Why radiant heat may be a better choice

Working as a salesman is tough.

Most times people just shut you down before you have the time to absolutely present your products to them.

I can’t say as I blame them because there are so numerous scams out there that people have become skeptical of anyone that wants their money. My job is a bit bizarre too because I work in Marketing for an Heating & Air Conditioning company. When a client is in need of a current or substituted system it is my job to go out & access the space then make recommendations based on their needs. Just walking in the door my shoppers know that it is going to cost upwards of a thousand dollars in numerous cases. Many people are not looking forward to spending the money however know that it is a necessary thing. There is one particular system that I try to sell that takes a bit more convincing. In my opinion radiant flooring is the best way to go when it comes to complete comfort in a home. There are no messy air ducts to keep clean, dust is at a minimum because the air is not blowing around all the time & the afternoons of frosty drafty floors are in the past once the system is installed. The system also requires little service. The drawback of the replacement is that flooring must be changed in order to put the system in. The upfront expense & hassle of doing this is a strenuous sell for sure. I try to stress the efficiency of the system & how great the dwelling will feel with nice even heating & in some cases this works. Many times people will at least consider it however in the end simply don’t want to make that major of a change.


hvac home services