I wanted to finish with the Heating and Air Conditioning replaces before the weekend

I have had a ton of work to get done this week! Work has been harshly tied up and there have been a number of emergency repairs for commercial customers, then emergency repairs for commercial customers take a lot more time and require a license and certified member of our staff that is capable of handling commercial repairs, and one of the items that needed to be done was a full system Heating and Air Conditioning replace, and my buddy and I were completely replacing the outdated Heating and Air Conditioning system in the ice cream shop.

My buddy and I were also going to attempt to repair the refrigeration unit.

I was not sure if my enjoyable friend and I would be able to repair the refrigeration component or not but I was going to do my best to try. I had two additional professionals with me when I went to the ice cream shop. The two professionals started working on removing all of the outdated unit first. I put everything in the back of the building and I contacted another person to occasion up the unit to take back to the shop. My buddy and I usually take the items apart and scrap them. If there’s anything we’re saving, my enjoyable friend and I keep it. My buddy and I do not charge anything to unconnect all of the outdated equipment. It’s part of the fees that my enjoyable friend and I charge for the entire replacement project. The task on Sunday took most of the day and I was actually trying to get done before the weekend. I did not want to work on Tuesday when I already had plans to spend the day with my wifey. My buddy and I planned to go to the beach and I did not want to disappoint her.



electric heating