The air conditioner needs a new filter, I can tell

The air duct of my central heating in addition to cooling system had some major complications.

This was something I had never dealt with before.

So I had to call the local HVAC supplier to have them send out a certified HVAC specialist to look at the air duct. As it turned out, the air duct needed some redoing as it had gone weak from it being so old. This was going to cost me a few bucks however I really did not have any choice in the matter. So I had the HVAC specialist get his tools in addition to do the toil that needed to be done to repair the air duct. It took almost all afternoon it was that detailed. And the fact that he was by himself made it take this long as well. But when all was said in addition to done the air duct of my central heating in addition to cooling system was repaired in addition to all was great again. But the bill from the local HVAC supplier was not pretty what so ever. But again, I had to do this in addition to really had no choice in the matter if I wanted to have indoor comfort once again in addition to have the air flow of my central heating in addition to cooling system working great again. At least though now that I had the air duct of my central heating in addition to cooling system repaired I could now rest easy in addition to not have to worry about anything else with the air duct for a long time other than the air duct cleaning.
Cooling tech