Fixing rooftop HVAC systems
I am an independent heating and air conditioning specialist.
And I also work for a local heat and a/c company on the side when business is slow.
Recently when I was working for the local heating and air conditioning company they sent me out on a job to fix a rooftop heating and air conditioning system. This is something I would never take on at my independent heating and air conditioning business. Because rooftop heating and air conditioning systems are more difficult to repair and back when I was in heating and cooling school I was not able to learn anything about rooftop air conditioning and heating systems because they are not that common. So when I have to fix rooftop heating and air conditioning systems at my part time gig at the local heat and a/c company, I have to just wing it and hope that I can get them fixed in a reasonable amount of time. Usually, I do because I am pretty used to it and have done it many times now. But every single time I have to go out there and fix one of those rooftop heating and air conditioning systems, I really do not look forward to it. Like the other week when they sent me on a job for that. It ended up taking me almost double the time it would have for an experienced in rooftop heating and air conditioning repair specialist. But I made it through and did not get in trouble thankfully. I just seriously and sincerely hope that I do not have to ever fix another one of these rooftop heating and air conditioning system units again anytime in the very near future.