I have a space heater under my desk
On top of that, I can put a space heating system under the desk in my home office without getting in trouble from my employers because I’m not in a multi-use building at home
When a great portion of the international workforce started working from home at the beginning of the COVID-19 pandemic, I wondered how long my job would last in this setting. I figured that my employers would push us back into the offices the minute local governments allowed it, something interesting happened. Their employee productivity levels quickly increased and we were all meeting higher quotas than ever before. I know that this wasn’t the case with every business though, as some people were inevitably distracted by working from within their own homes for the first time in their lives in many instances. I was used to working in my new home because this is where I finished my last year of university and the place where I worked before I secured my new job position. I like that I can set the temperature inside my new home to whatever most keeps me comfortable. I don’t have to worry about adjusting to whatever temperature the building is set to when I arrive at work in the morning like I did before. On top of that, I can put a space heating system under the desk in my home office without getting in trouble from my employers because I’m not in a multi-use building at home. I live in a house, and I’m not close enough to any other homes to ever threaten others beyond myself when it comes to fire hazards. Still, that doesn’t mean you should be frivolous with space furnaces just because your safety is the only one being threatened in that situation.