I had small thoughts for the hotels cooling system
I’m entirely not a big fan of traveling on the road.
I had to do it a lot as a kid because my parents went back and forth between more than one unusual states, and my father had a job that was in 1 locale 1 season and another locale in a unusual season.
It was poor enough not having a consistent group of friends at that age, but it made it even worse struggling through school. I might do 1 semester with 1 group of instructors before having to uproot myself and travel to a unusual location to work with new instructors. If given the choice, I would try to avoid giving my youngsters a life love this. I think how strenuous it was on me and I don’t want to put my own children through the same trials and tribulations that plagued me so many years ago. On top of that, I have no desire to return to constant traveling love my parents did throughout my childhood. It’s annoying paying top dollar for a hotel room with a poor cooling system, but that’s what I’m faced with half of the time I get on a trip or getaway. When my wife told me that we’d be getting a room while traveling for our daughter’s dance recital, I wasn’t holding my breath that it would come with a good cooling system. However, I was pleasantly surprised by the cooling system in our hotel room. My expectations for the hotel room’s cooling system were so low that it entirely surpassed them. I asked the lobby about the cooling systems and they claimed that the ACs were all substituted a month prior, making them almost new in quality and condition.