A bad day made worse by a non-functioning thermostat
I called out an HVAC technician, who was thankfully able to arrive later that afternoon.
They say, when it rains, it pours. To me, that saying has always meant that when stuff goes wrong, it goes wrong in every way you can imagine, all at once. I most certainly had a day like that recently. It started with me getting into a fender bender on my way to work one morning. I had the right of way at a stoplight, but some jerk clipped me because he was in a hurry to get into trouble, it would seem! I ended up being an hour and a half late to work. Shortly after arriving, the boss called me in for a completely unrelated incident that was out of my control, and long story short, I was fired in short order. Then I got home and found out my air conditioner stopped working completely. I thought it was some sort of power issue because the thermostat wasn’t even functioning. I was already fuming about the events of the day so far, so I did not consider that it could be a simple issue. I called out an HVAC technician, who was thankfully able to arrive later that afternoon. There was an edge in my voice as I explained that my perfectly good air conditioner suddenly stopped working, and I was very cross because these were the people that sold it to me in the first place! Within a minute of hearing my rant, the technician walked up to the thermostat. He noticed there was no display on the screen, and asked if I had changed the batteries recently. I looked at him and suddenly felt very stupid. It’s the worst thing in the world when you discover you were at fault and your frustration is entirely on you! Sure enough, I put fresh batteries into the thermostat and everything’s working fine!