Getting up their in age comes with greater appreciation for HVAC

I can remember when I was a kid, my parents could hardly keep me inside the air conditioning after school long enough to get my homework done.

  • And even then, I was rushing so I could ditch the HVAC heating in the winter to get out and go sledding for a bit before dark.

Those are great memories and the older I’m getting, the more fond I am of those experiences. I’ve never been one to stay still for very long. I was so not into going to work in some office building and breathing air conditioning all the time. I wanted the sun on my shoulders and fresh air in my lungs. The job I chose and stuck with kept me out in the elements for much of my career. I’d take refuge inside the heating and cooling of the onsite project trailers when it was really cold or I just had to get some HVAC cooling in the summer. But by and large, I’ve lived just the way I wanted to which is outside and doing my own thing. These days, I’m in my late 70’s and have slowed down a great deal. I’m not charging at life any longer and have learned to appreciate some things in a different way. Take the HVAC cooling in our sunroom for example. My wife had the great foresight to have the HVAC professionals install a ductless heat pump inside the sunroom. So I can still feel that sun on my shoulders in the dead heat of summer but the air conditioning keeps me from stroking out in the heat.


central air conditioning