My kids love the swimming pool at the local gym.

We had with the weatherman was calling a mini heat wave last week, but it was enough to drive my kids into the swimming pool.

They were in the pool from the time they get up until they went to bed, except for when they were eating or getting a bath.

The only problem, was that three kids in a 6 foot wide pool, didn’t give you any room to move. I was walking by the YMCA the other day, and they had a sign out front that said pool now open. The next morning I had the day off, and told the kids were going to go swimming. We headed down to the YMCA, which was our local gym, and I paid for my kids for one day of swimming. They had lifeguards on duty, and a lot of young people helping show the kids how to swim. In the meantime, I went out and found a yoga class. I does wanted to try yoga, and this was the perfect opportunity. While my kids were splashing around in the swimming pool and learning how to swim, I could take a relaxing yoga class, and no they were safe. After the class, I was talking to the yoga instructor. I wanted to know when she had her classes, and if they did anything more than beginner yoga classes. I didn’t know if she held yoga classes somewhere other than in the local gym. She told me about her yoga studio, and how she came to the local gym once a week so she could work with other people. She also informed me that they had nutritional classes here at the local gym, and offered many programs for families.

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