Completely redoing the basement in our home

We are discussing different options, such as different flooring types and paints, as well as new furniture, but my husband brought up a good point.

For a long time, my husband and I have been wanting to remodel the basement, but there was an issue, my brother in law was living down there. My brother in law I am not exactly close to, and he has a really bad gambling addiction. Thanks to his addiction, he ended up losing his home and was going to be homeless. My in-laws put a lot of pressure on my husband to accept his younger brother into our home, so that way he is not homeless, and my husband caved. Well that was two years ago, and my brother in law remained. It wasn’t until my husband was sick and tired of taking care of him like he was taking care of our kids, and he gave him 1 month to get an apartment and get out. Surprisingly, he actually listened and he moved out last week. Now that we finally have the time and the space, my husband and I are planning on remodeling the basement. We are discussing different options, such as different flooring types and paints, as well as new furniture, but my husband brought up a good point. He suggested getting a portable HVAC system to put down there. The basement has always been much colder than the rest of the home, so a portable heating unit would be a great idea. I agreed that a portable A/C device was definitely on our list of things to get, and the best part about portable heaters is that they are cheap. We’re so excited to see how our basement is going to look when we’re done.


a/c set up