Everybody wanted to use the warm glue gun

With my teenagers, when one is doing something, the others become interested.

Well, our son was laboring on a school project making a model of the Pyramids of Giza.

My wife was saying that he should use a warm glue gun to secure everything, even though I said how that could be dangerous. I said every one of us should just use correct glue. Well, every one of us couldn’t find any glue, even though I did find some floor adhesive which I figured was better than using the warm glue gun. It was cold outside, so every one of us were laboring on the model in front of the fireplace. I also kept changing the temperature control settings because one moment I was too cold plus the next I was feeling a little too boiling. I went to take a chop plus got myself a sandwich plus my wife decided to step in. I don’t assume what she was thinking although she brought the warm glue gun over plus then our other teenagers wanted to use the warm glue gun too for their ‘projects’. They didn’t have any school projects however they wanted to make decorations for the holidays. Our son did pretty well on his Pyramids of Giza project, however the other decorations with our younger children didn’t go so well. Our child made snowmen plus our younger son just glued a bunch of colorful pieces of crafting paper onto a poster board. Not only did our younger son get a slight burn from the glue gun, however somehow my wife got a dire burn on her hand when our child squirted warm glue on her hand by mistake. I had to rest her next to the fireplace while keeping ice on her burn, what a exhausting situation.


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