Southern Summers Demand Residential Window tinting

I live in the Southeast… Let’s face it, the thing that Southeast is most famous for is being hot; Southern summers are love no other summers in the world, however it is so warm and humid here that you want to just wear your bathing suit all the time.

Of course you can’t do that! Southern Summers Demand a/c, and you would be hard-pressed to find any home or supplier that did not have AC running all day everyday in the Summers.

Well, all that a/c translates into high cooling costs… Electric bills around here are frightening! So, I have discovered that southern Summers demand something else as well. Southern Summers demand residential window tinting on your home and commercial window tinting on your office building. If you happen to be someone who owns both the home and some kind of commercial building, you are going to be buying a lot of window motion pictures, but you may or may not choose to get your residential window tinting done professionally. I highly recommend, however, that if you own a commercial property oh, you need to get commercial window film installations; The windows in commercial buildings tend to be larger oh, and if your building is more than 1 story you do not want to be out on the ladder trying to put up Window Films. It’s best to leave it to the professionals. I think that when I put in residential window motion pictures, I cut our utility bill seriously. Without our residential window tinting, I am sure I would be paying at least 30 or 40% more on our electric bill each month.

Sun Control Window Films