I Hired The Neighbor’s Son To Service My HVAC System
When it was time for me to have my HVAC system serviced for the second half of the year, I decided to branch out. I’d been using the same HVAC company for 3 years, but if I was being honest with myself, I didn’t love working with them. There was always something wrong with my HVAC system and I was always paying extra fees for things nobody could clearly explain to me. Instead of going online and finding a new HVAC company, I decided to ask a few of my neighbors about their HVAC provider. One neighbor told me that her son was a professional HVAC technician and a few other houses told me about other HVAC companies. I liked the idea of hiring my neighbor’s son, because I thought it would be nice to support him. I’d seen him around the neighborhood before and he seemed like a reputable guy. I didn’t bother asking my neighbor if he was any good because I already knew what she’d tell me. Instead, I asked for his contact information and gave him a call. He was quick to respond and very polite over the phone. He showed up 5 minutes before our scheduled appointment and came with shoe covering so he didn’t track dirt into my home. He also addressed me as “ma’am” which I thought was very polite. He didn’t see any issues with my HVAC system and before he left, he gave me a print out of everything he serviced that day. It was detailed and explained everything I had questions about. I can’t believe I waited this long to hire him.