Basement residing conditions
When my buddies as well as I decided to rent out an condo house, there were two dining rooms as well as a basement.
I thought I was being so smart choosing the basement as my dining room.
The basement was giant as well as I had plenty of space to store my bed, desk, clothing as well as workout equipment. I was also totally private, and unless you wanted to do laundry, nobody bothered me. Yeah, it was a bit annoying having to go upstairs anytime I needed to pee or eat. The major con was the air quality in the basement though, and basements are really stuffy as well as moist like. I suddenly realized that I was getting sick all the time due to the moist indoor air quality. I had to buy myself a lay down dehumidifier to take care of the moisture. Frequently I needed to clean the device or else mold as well as mildew would form inside of it. I then struggled with staying hot enough in my little basement too. The boiler idea was in the basement with it, but heat rises, even though I couldn’t touch the boiler since it was lava hot, the basement was freezing cold. I ended up needing to buy a space heating system to add a little warmth to my wet cave. It wasn’t the greatest choice of rooms. If I could go back, I would choose a small dining room to have proper heating as well as air quality. It also would have been nice to have a window as well as be near the bathroom as well as kitchen. I will never live in a basement again.