The heat pump should help us keep warm

She hopes to run in the big central heating equipment at a serious level each and every day

There certainly are times when I suppose that my partner is making an attempt to kill me. I suppose that we easily prefer each other dearly, but she also gets in these horrible moods where I cannot change her mind no matter what I say. Then she decides that it’s her way or the highway, even if it means I am going to have to do overtime hours to keep up with her demands. This is exactly what has been going on recently with our indoor air temperature control equipment. My partner made the choice a few months ago that our indoor air temperature plus air quality management equipment was not up to snuff. She saw some programs on the television that discussed air quality control, air purification, plus air temperature management. I suppose these scientific experts are now saying that your indoor air contributes substantially to your overall health plus immune system functioning. If you are not keeping your indoor air within a designated temperature range or removing enough of your airborne toxins from the central heating, cooling, plus air quality control equipment, you are probably making yourself sick. My partner has been totally obsessed with maintaining an accurate indoor air temperature there ever since. She hopes to run in the big central heating equipment at a serious level each and every day. I keep telling her that I do not make enough income for those energy bills or Heating plus A/C equipment repair services, but she changes the thermostat no matter what. Now, I am looking at purchasing a geothermal heat pump to actually work our forced air heating equipment for the foreseeable future. Then, my partner will be able to adjust the air temperature as much as she prefers without putting us on the streets.



Smart thermostat