I don’t love being late for appointments.

If there is 1 thing I can’t abide, it is being late.

I have a family that has no method what it is love to be early or even on time.

If I tell someone I am going to be there at 7, I am there by no later than 6:50. If something happens that I may be late, I call ahead of time to let the people know. When I had to have the HVAC tech come to the house plus scrub plus repair our furnace, I was angry when they gave myself and others a several minute window. This was deranged that the HVAC contractor couldn’t deliver you a more definitive window. An minute or even 2 minutes may have been reasonable, however several minutes? This meant I had to either leave work early or go in late. If the HVAC tech showed up later, I could even end up missing an entire day of work. My largest worry about missing an entire day of work, came to fruition. I didn’t even get a phone call from the HVAC tech telling myself and others that he would be late. I called work plus explained what was going on plus that I wasn’t going to make it into work. My boss was aggravated that I wasn’t going to make it, although I didn’t have a choice. Now, I was not only angry that the HVAC tech was going to be late, although I was missing an appointment with a client. My boss said he would cover our appointment, however it was the only time he would cover for me. I called the HVAC contractor plus yelled at them for the incompetence of their HVAC worker.



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