I’m glad our new thermostat is more modern
We had to buy a new thermostat last summer when ours stopped working.
We had the thing for years and honestly, I can’t believe that it lasted as long as it did.
It was one of those really old thermostat units that you see in houses that were built back in the 1970s. That’s probably because the house was built in the 70s and I’m pretty sure that this thermostat is original to the house. It’s probably the same one that they put in when they put in the original oil furnace. I know that thing is at least thirty years old. But these days, they just don’t make things like they used to. I am sure that it won’t be thirty or forty more years before our new thermostat stops working. But for now, we are really liking the thermostat unit that we picked out. It’s got a really sleek modern design and so it blends right in with our decor in our house. That’s right, even though our house was built back in the 1970s, we have really modernized the place. The HVAC unit is actually the last part of the house that we need to update. We started out with the thermostat unit simply because it’s what ended up dying first. I guess next, we will end up putting in a newer, high efficiency heating and cooling system. We already have a wood burning fireplace, but I want to upgrade it to a gas fireplace. I think once we get everything updated, we will be happier in this house.