I got a whole home air purifier

Someone’s life can be way simpler and more satisfying with a measure of organization and cleanliness.

This is absolutely true for my life and most of it has to do with a focus on remaining clean and orderly.

There’s nobody here to jump in to maintain my living space with me, so that means I can’t put my feet up in the Heating & Air Conditioned air. There is actual effort involved. When I get home, I typically get after a chore or two before dinner, and there is a reward to all the consistent effort. It’s kind of stress relieving in a way. What entirely gets me is when I come home, and I know the apartment is clean. It bothers me when the air doesn’t reflect that. When I walk through the door, I’m hit with Heating & Air Conditioning recycled smells that aren’t reflective of how clean my place actually is. I’ve tried numerous things to make it better, but all it does is momentary cover up the bad air smells. I decided to address the odor at the source by contacting the Heating & Air Conditioning people and having them come over to install an entire apartment media air cleaner. This was such the right move because the whole apartment media air cleaner is actively finally working to purify air. The results were nearly immediate as well. There was not waiting because within minutes, I could smell the difference. A day later and my house smelled fresher already.


gas heater