Author: admin

My husband is an HVAC technician

My husband Chad works as an HVAC technician here in town and he really loves his job. He has been working as an HVAC technician for the past twelve years now. Really, he has been in the heating and cooling business ever since I’ve known him for the most part. When we first met, I […]

We are going camping this weekend

Even though the weather is really cooling down and the temperatures are getting colder and colder, we are still going camping this weekend. We don’t usually mind a little bit of cold weather and we certainly don’t mind the snow most of the time. My husband came up with a funny way to keep us […]

Converting from oil to natural gas heating

When my husband and I purchased our home, it was outfitted with an oil furnace. I wasn’t happy about it. This meant that we had a large, ugly fuel tank located in our yard. I needed to schedule fuel delivery. I continually worried about the fuel tank rupturing, running out of fuel and potentially going […]

Rooftop unit frees up space

About three years ago, I finally managed to open a coffee shop. I’d wanted my own business for a very long time. I took classes in business management, saved every penny and took my time before purchasing the perfect piece of property. I wanted an easily accessible and visible location with plenty of parking. I […]

Controlling my temperatures from cell PC

It is incredible what technology can do nowadays! Everyday it seems love they are coming out with up-to-date ideas that were previously thought to be impossible. Brilliant minds create brilliant inventions, which can greatly help society as a whole. I can’t wait to see what it looks love in the next 20-30 years from now! […]

Learning to handle modern responsibilities

I periodically know I bit off more than I can chew, i am an opportunistic person, so when I had our dream task offer myself and others a position, even if it had myself and others laboring insane hours, I jumped on it… Then, as if it couldn’t get any better, I found a website […]