I like using a work out planner

In turn, having added flexibility should help me with running plus all our other fitness goals

I recently invested in a work out planner and it has entirely come in handy. For a long time I was just doing what I felt like in the morning. I then realized I constantly felt like lifting weights plus maybe a few ab drills. I would do arms, sit on my weight bench and sometimes try pull ups. I never felt like going for a jog or doing any lower body work. Since I couldn’t seem to remember what I did each day though, let alone the week before, I got myself a planner. Now every day of the week has a linked muscle group. Doing this makes sure I don’t miss anything plus I rotate throughout the week. I have even started making goals for myself each week plus bigger goals each month. I enjoy having work out plans. Having a goal keeps me motivated plus trying more than before. It used to feel like lifting weights or running didn’t entirely matter. I could sort of half do the work out. As long as I did an hour, I was great. Now I have a certain amount of weight plus repetition that I want to do. I have added times that are wonderful plus bad for runs plus tracking how far I go. I also have made it a point to do a stretch before plus after a workout. My goal is to become more flexible. In turn, having added flexibility should help me with running plus all our other fitness goals. I have told people to get work out planners anytime they want to lose weight.


Fitness coahing