The fish tank was sitting too close to the heater

My son wanted a fish tank for his bedroom, but my wife and I did not think he was responsible. He begged and pleaded for months and months. We made him wait until he was 10 years old and then we bought a nice tank of GloFish to place in his bedroom. Jake was responsible for feeding the fish and making sure that the tank was clean. Things went well for the first few days. Jake was excited to have the new fish, even if it meant a lot more responsibility. After we had the fish for a few months, they started to look sluggish. They weren’t swimming around the bowl as much and they seem to be half asleep most of the time. I couldn’t figure out what was wrong with the fish. I read some materials online and I found out that it could be the food. We tried a couple of different fish flakes, but the tiny creatures still looked tired and beat. I finally called a fish store to talk about the problem. They wanted to know if the fish tank was near a heater or radiator. I didn’t think about the placement of the fish tank. When I went into the bedroom, I realized that the fish tank was on the same wall as the radiator. When I moved the tank, I could feel a lot of heat on the bottom of the tank. We moved the fish to a different spot in the bedroom and they started to perk up. These freshwater fish did not prefer the heat of the radiator.

New air conditioning