I can hear my neighbors through the walls

I live in a very small house.

I have recently moved in and so far I am loving it.

I feel like I finally have a space that I could call my own and it’s so nice to just be able to come home every day and not have to worry that someone elses things are scattered all around my apartment. However, there is one thing I find quite annoying about my new place. I knew it was small and that I would be sharing a wall with my neighbor next-door, but I did not expect that I would be able to hear everything that was going on at my neighbors house. Right now I can literally hear his phone conversation with his mother and they are talking about dinner plans for Sunday. I didn’t expect that I would be able to get a firsthand look at my neighbors life like this. One thing I kind of find funny is that I can actually hear his heating and cooling system through the walls. I know this isn’t a great thing because it is quite loud and I don’t want to hear his heating and cooling system all day every day, but I do find it comical that we live so close to each other that I can hear his heating and cooling system. One day I’m going to tell him that I could hear her HVAC system but I don’t want to make him feel awkward now by telling him.

