The HVAC technician rarely brings good news about your system

There is never a good time to tell someone bad news.

Sometimes people will wait a long time to tell someone bad news.

This is because they are waiting for a good moment. I think the sooner you tell someone the better. You need to tell them so they know and can move on. They need to move on as soon as possible. You hear the bad news and then you decide what you are going to do. I do not care how bad of a mood I am in. My HVAC technician does not always have good news for me. QUite often he has bad news for me. That is what I call him for though. I know that there is bad news. One day he delivered some pretty bad news to me about my system. There was a compressor part that needed to be replaced. It had been broken for awhile and caused other parts to become defective as well. I would not have known this though because I could not see any signs of something wrong. Anyway, he told me that to fix the system and to replace the parts it would cost a lot of money. If I wanted the system to work properly the money would have to be spent. I spent the money and moved on. I tried to decide how I was going to budget my money for the rest of the month. Spending unexpected money is not ideal. Regular tune ups usually take care of the problem of Extra spending money went down the drain towards my HVAC system



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