Time to change the heater’s air filter

I do not mind when I have family and friends over for a supper celebration.

However can get kind of the day when I have to wash my whole house.

I made sure I split up some of the vegetables and then use it the evening before I had to cook them. I prepared my meals before I cleaned. I like to make sure my home is completely clean. So all my guests won’t have to experience dust and a dirty environment. I was making a five course meal, I had a lot of the food almost ready when I looked at the top of my fridge near my air vent and I saw how dirty it was. I grabbed my duster and started dusting. It seemed like all the surfaces that were near my air vents were dusty and had other particles. I couldn’t dust my whole home in a matter of twenty minutes since my guests were showing up soon. So I just dusted the most evident surfaces that needed the most cleaning. With all of the dust and remembering that my child was sneezing all week, I forgot that it was time to change my heater’s air filter. Thankfully I had an extra air filter in my basement. Changing the air filter aided in the cleanliness of my home before my guests showed up. Considering the fact I didn’t have enough time to dust the rest of my home. I’m blissful I thought of this because my air quality will improve. Not to mention my home will be less dusty and my child won’t be sneezing as much.
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