I should have left it to the HVAC professionals

I can be so stupid sometimes.

And it seems like I choose the most inconvenient and costly ways to display that stupidity.

But my latest faceplant is one for the books. It’s particularly galling when I do dumb things that were just completely avoidable. That’s exactly what happened when it came to the A/C in my home. My partner called to tell me that the HVAC cooling just wasn’t working right. This phone call sort of confirmed what was going on in my head for the previous couple of nights. I’d noticed that the heating and cooling equipment was running awfully over the course of multiple nights. The temperature, while still warm and humid, hadn’t honestly changed to force the sort of demand for HVAC cooling that would keep the HVAC unit running almost non stop. So my partner says she’s going to call the HVAC company. But I ask him to wait as I’ve sort of been looking into all of this the last few nights and I feel I have the solution. She’s not all that onboard but agrees to wait to call the HVAC professionals. On the way home, I picked up an HVAC recharge kit and figured I’d do the job myself and save an HVAC service charge. Of course, I didn’t have the proper tools or gauges and promptly proceeded to overfill the refrigerant which caused something to rupture. So a really small problem turned into a great big problem thanks to me being an idiot.


Space heater