The weather conditions is just too cold

I cannot wait until I can move to a much warmer weather conditions.

In fact, I don’t even know why I continue to stay here as long as I do.

It’s just way too cold. The thing is I grew up in the northern part of the United States and so you would recognize that I would be used to the cold weather by now. But I feel I’m just one of those people that never did adjust to it. When I was a kid I remember going outside in the yard to make snowmen and throwing snowballs at my siblings, and now, I feel it’s just because I’m older although I cannot even go outside without putting on a heavy jacket, but not in this weather conditions anyways. I’ve been looking at a lot of these boiling southern tropical States that make great trip spots. I’ve been dreaming for quite some time now to live in one of these sites, and just say goodbye to the cold for good, but eventually it occurred to me that I need to stop dreaming about going there and absolutely make it a reality if it’s what I really wanted to do, but so that’s what I started working towards doing, after looking for a little while I got hired out of state, and now in a few months I shall be moving south and I shall be saying goodbye to this cold weather once and for all, did you know that in that part they have heating and air conditioners that are combined into one unit? How nice it is that they don’t even have to have a dedicated furnace! Even more reason why I cannot wait to get out of here. If I had to tell you how several times I had to have furnace repairs done to my furnace every year I’d be writing a book!

