What kind of boiler should I buy?

I’m in the market for a brand modern boiler however the one thing that is bothering me is I don’t know which one I should buy. I thought that visiting my local heating plus A/C supplier would help however when I went there I found that my confusion only became worse! They had so several weird Heating, Ventilation plus A/C products available that I had no idea how I was going to option which heating plus A/C system would be right for me. I thought about maybe asking one of the local heating plus A/C professionals for help because I am sure that they would know exactly what I needed based on my situation. I thought that maybe I can just tell them what I am looking for plus what my modern heating plus A/C situation is plus they would be able to give me the answers that I was seeking however when I asked one of the local heating plus A/C guys she just gave me multiple possibilities plus it still left me confused on what I should choose. Sometimes too much option is a excruciating thing, plus now I am going to have to do a lot of research on what kind of boiler I should get. There are gas heaters, oil heaters, electric heaters, plus those other alternative sources of heat that I have never even considered before! But I do suppose even though getting all that research done is going to be time consuming it’s going to be well worth it if I get something that is not only good for my house however also is perfect for my budget.

a/c serviceman