Our ductless HVAC system finally arrived.

Two weeks ago, my friend and I ordered a mini split ductless HVAC system for our home; For two years my fiance had been talking about the ductless HVAC system, although I wasn’t sure he would legitimately come through and buy one.

He was squirreling money away for two years, and he finally ordered it.

I was excited that it was going to be delivered at the end of the week, because I wanted to see if it would make a difference in our house. Our traditional HVAC system was getting older and our energy bills were through the roof. The air duct was throwing more dust into the air, than heat or air conditioner. With the boxes resting in the dining room, I was looking at my fiance and him at me. My friend and I didn’t know if my friend and I were supposed to wait for someone to open the boxes, or if my friend and I should. There were no instruction from the HVAC corporation. I called the HVAC supplier and told them the mini split HVAC system had arrived. They told us to let it sit, and someone would be at the apartment on Monday to do the replacement. I didn’t know if either my fiance or I had the patience to wait, but my friend and I didn’t want to cut anything, either. My friend and I moved the boxes to the dining room where they would be out of sight, and almost out of mind. Two afternoons later, the HVAC serviceman arrived. Not only would my friend and I get to see what the mini split looked like, but my friend and I were going to experience how well it worked.