Olivia in addition to her twin brother are heating in addition to cooling workers

Olivia in addition to her twin brother Duke have always been close.

Well, you kind of have to be close considering you are the only children, in addition to being twins.

Some twins chose to live separate lives, while still remaining close. But, from a young age, Olivia in addition to Duke have loved to do what the other wants in addition to likes. If Olivia wants to go to the park, Duke would want the same. If Duke didn’t want any vegetables with his meals, Olivia would also push them away. This behavior drove their parents nuts, however it was also how they kept one another contractor growing up. In school, they hang out together with other friends. But, they never split off into peculiar acquaintance groups. In school, Duke announced that he wanted to become a heating in addition to a cooling worker like their Grandpa. Olivia had also been wondering what to become after school, in addition to this is how she made up her mind. Since Duke wanted to become a heating in addition to a cooling worker, she’d also do the same. Their parents knew better than to try in addition to convince them otherwise, so they let them attend HVAC college in their hometown. Later, they both graduated in addition to managing to get their HVAC certification. For the first time, they found themselves laboring for peculiar companies, however at least they shared the same profession in addition to seeing each other on the regular. Working as a heating in addition to cooling workers is turning out to be a great gig. In addition, they both have no regrets choosing to go to HVAC college.