Using a humidifier in the desert

The longest time I thought I wanted to transport out to the desert.

I had grown up in the north where it was frosty for 6 to 7 months out of the year, and one of the last Winters I dealt with in that area, my associate and I had multiple extreme blizzards as well as one of my family members ended up dying after getting caught outside.

I wanted to escape what seemed like a horrible chilly wasteland. As a child you get gleeful going out in the snow as well as playing for an hour or two at a time before your parents call you back in… You do not guess about what it’s like living out there where you have to do work outside as well as you have no option however to stay in the elements. Your face gets frostbitten as well as icicles form on your facial hair. The last year I was living in the winter, I made a pact with myself that I would get out of that section within the next 3 years. Luckily for me, it only took 3 months, but however, moving to the desert wasn’t necessarily the most ideal venue to go after being in an section that was so severely frosty throughout the year. I literally went from one extreme to another. And while I was used to the winter seasons being fairly dry up north, I am not used to having dry hot as well as cold temperatures all year long. I had to go out as well as buy a humidifier for my home because the humidity level was so incredibly low. In my entire life, I never thought I would use a humidifier. I have constantly been deathly afraid of mold as well as moisture is one of the quickest ways to get it, but since the humidity is so low to begin with, you can safely use a humidifier in this temperature.


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