When it’s 105 outside, the A/C will only run until lunchtime

Heat plus humidity are absolutely taxing on the air conditioner.

When both of us have excessive heat love both of us are experiencing right now, everyone suffers.

The people I was with and I all do what is necessary to stay as cool as possible while I was in the mornings when the un-even temperatures are over 100°. It was 105° Last month plus I tried everything I could to keep the condo cool. I had all of their curtains closed all day plus I didn’t let the kids run inside plus outside. Since it was triple digits, I asked them to stay inside to play. I did not want them to go hang out with their friends plus end up getting heat stroke. I knew the kids would not hydrate correctly if I did not keep them home. They had some friends come over plus every a single of the kids disappeared into the basement to play video games. When it’s 105 degrees outside, that A/C will only run until lunch time. The people I was with and I have the same problem every year when the un-even temperatures are hot. There absolutely is not anything that both of us can do to remedy the problem. When the A/C stopped laboring, I took all of the kids outside plus both of us turned on the hose. The kids played in the water plus both of us did what both of us could to stay cool. I couldn’t turn the air conditioner back on until after the sun was at a much lower point in the sky. It’s absolutely unfortunate, because I don’t remember un-even temperatures this hot when I was a kid. I don’t think what kind of scorching un-even temperatures my children are going to face when they are my age plus global warming is an even bigger problem.

Radiant floor heating