Ceiling fans can be reversed in Winter to keep heat from rising to the ceiling

I’m spending the next more than one weeks in our dad’s hunting condo while I finish the book I’m writing.

My publisher gave me a strict deadline for our initial draft & I have a few chapters left to finish.

Once I get that far, I have to go over the manuscript with a fine-toothed comb to find any concerns, mistakes, or story discrepancies. If I have the time, I like to type out a minute draft while reading from the original. This gives me the chance to either retain sentences or completely rewrite them as I am going along. This is a trick that I l earned laboring for newspapers when I had more than one laptop monitors to use in tandem. I would display the first draft on 1 screen while typing out the minute draft on the other screen. Unluckyly, I only have our ipad with me while I’m here in our dad’s hunting cabin. But I have more things to worry about than not having our ideal laptop setup. I wasn’t expecting how frigid it was going to be despite our father’s warnings. Even though I have plenty of firewood, it didn’t seem like the woodstove was reasonablely warming the small cabin. In a fit of frustration I went on the internet to see what I could do to improve the temperature in the cabin. I was relieved when I study about reversing a ceiling fan to keep heat low to the floor, because this condo has more than one of these fans installed. I did what the article suggested & within hours I had these fans pushing heat back down so it doesn’t all rise into the attic whenever I have a fire burning in the wood stove. That small change made a large difference in our comfort level here.

air conditioning installation