Thankful they listened to me about window tints at the bank

All the bank executives were waiting for a single purchaser to formally make a complaint about the lack of window films for privacy.

I’d come to the new banking hall a number of times, and each experience, I felt anxious. It honestly was too open for my liking since people walking down the streets could see inside without difficulty! The people in charge thought it was just fine for the venue to remain that way since we lived in a small town, but having stayed in the city for some time, I felt completely insecure transacting in such a venue. One morning I went to deposit money from my business, and I felt the same fear come upon me. There was no need to keep dwelling on it, so I went straight to the manager’s office. I made him see why it was not a good move for the bank to remain separate from window films being installed. The bank manager heard my request and promised to do his best to resolve the setback. Approximately a week later, I had to do another transaction and dreaded the idea of the same banking experience. However, I was all smiles when I arrived. Each window had sunlight control window films installed. The manager was walking to his office when he saw me resting in the line. He walked up to inform me they had reached out to a company to do commercial window film upgrades. All the bank executives were waiting for a single purchaser to formally make a complaint about the lack of window films for privacy. When they received my request, they acted in a hurry to set up commercial window films. The manager thanked me for speaking up since now the venue had a reasonable amount of privacy. Honestly, I never felt insecure going to transact there ever again.


Window Film Replacements