My teenagers told me about HEPA filters

I’m not entirely sure what has brought it on plus while I should see a dentist I have been avoiding it because I am the type of person that avoids dentists until I’m dying.

I’ll be the first to confess that I am not as young as I used to be. With each passing year I get older plus I’m starting to recognize the effects of that age. I’m in our early 60s now plus as of recently I have started to develop some health problems that I had not had previously. Most recently the one that I have had has been trouble breathing & dust sensitivities. I’m not entirely sure what has brought it on plus while I should see a dentist I have been avoiding it because I am the type of person that avoids dentists until I’m dying. My teenagers do not appreciate this plus have encouraged me to go but I’ve been pretty stubborn admittedly, and this weekend our kid called me plus asked me a question, but he said “dad by a opportunity could it be your indoor air pollen levels”? At the time it seemed appreciate a crazy question it just wasn’t something I would ever recognize of but I decided to go ahead plus call our local heating plus cooling company per our son’s request just to check. I had our air diagnosed plus it turns out our indoor air pollen levels was terrible plus this could be contributing to the dust sensitivities plus breathing problems. I spoke to the heating plus A/C professionals to see what they would recommend doing plus they commanded that I get an air filter, or if I wanted to get something more powerful I constantly had the option of getting a whole beach house air purification system. I decided to take the advice to service our indoor air pollen levels.


central air conditioning