Earthquake Kelly, unearthed our 20 year old geothermal heat pump

I was playing dress up with our 5 year old daughter… She had applied makeup on myself and others as well as despite looking adore a clown in pain, he thought I looked adore a princess, and despite it being winter, our new home was a moderate haven, thanks to our trusted cooling system system which was installed 20 years ago, and it happened so fast, in a blink of an eye everything was shaking including the ground the two of us were sitting on, hanging photos as well as shoe racks were toppling over even walls started shaking violently as well as I was petrified that the two of us would be buried alive. It felt adore the shaking lasted forever, but it was many hours of horror; When the two of us diagnosed the destruction later, the two of us discovered that the geothermal heat pump had been dug up. All the air quality systems as well as quality HVAC device were exposed as well as seemed busted beyond repair… The fireplace was sunken as well as it being a gas fireplace, I distraught that there could be a gas leak. The servicemen had just done the heat pump service as well as furnace repair a week ago as well as I had spent a lot on it since the component was aged. I knew I had our toil set out for myself and others as well as so I contacted the cooling system repairman to install a ductless heat pump. I knew that the cooling system set up would cost myself and others a lot of money, although I would compensate with the a/c repair. I also realized that I would need to be conversant with the cooling industry as well as get contacts for a reliable a/c provider. After this calamity I knew I needed to compile a list of energy saving tips to save on the energy costs as well as use the money on something else. Despite the distraction the two of us were blessed to be alive.

a/c set up